Maya texture placement MAYA extension

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Maya Texture Placement Parameters

This <extra> at the <texture> level declares texture placement parameters for standard materials. While this extension was originally written for Maya, it is also used by 3dsMax and MotionBuilder to support a sub-set of the Maya texture placement parameters. See below to know which parameters are supported by the different tools.


  • A: Animatable. These elements are animatable using the 'sid' attribute.
  • MB: ColladaMotionBuilder.
  • MX: ColladaMax
  • MY: ColladaMaya
Element Flags Description
A,MY,MX,MB Contains one boolean value that represents whether the texture should wrap within the U or V dimensions.
A,MY,MX Contains one boolean value that represents whether the texture should mirror within the U or V dimensions. Mirroring can only occur if the corresponding wrap flag is also set.
A,MY Contains one floating-point value that represents the portion of the image to use for texturing. If both values are 0.5, then only the top-left quarter of the image is used.
A,MY Contains one floating-point value that represents the position of the portion of the image to use for texturing. If coverageU, coverageV, translateFrameU and translateFrameV have values of 0.5, then only the bottom-right quarter of the image is used.
<rotateFrame> A,MY Contains one floating-point value that represent the angle, in degrees, to rotate clockwise the frame of the image before using it for texturing.
<stagger> A,MY Contains one boolean value.  ?
<fast> A,MY Contains one boolean value that represent whether Maya should take performance shortcuts when evaluating this texture. This parameter is exported from completeness-sake.
A,MY,MX,MB Contains one floating-point value that represents a multiplier to apply on the texture coordinates before sampling.
A,MY,MX,MB Contains one floating-point value that represents an offset to add on the texture coordinates before sampling.
<rotateUV> A,MY,MB Contains one floating-point value that represents an angle of rotation to apply to the texture coordinates before sampling.
A,MY,MX,MB Contains one floating-point value that represents a multiplier for a random offset to add on the texture coordinates before sampling.

NOTE: The <rotateUV>, <offsetU>, <offsetV>, <repeatU> and <repeatV> parameters are commonly put together to form a transform called the texture transform.


The following example shows all the texture placement parameters with their default values.

     <texture texture="file1-sampler" texcoord="TEX0">
         <technique profile="MAYA">